Live Immediately With Mike Campbell

066: Summer Series: Angela Lockwood - How To Find Calm In A Noisy World



First in the Summer Series is my great chat I had with Angela Lockwood. Angela is an occupational therapist, speaker, mother and author. I absolutely loved her recent book - Switch Off: How to Find Calm in a Noisy World. And switching off is exactly what I am doing over the Christmas break. I’m switching off from all social media and most technology. Even with the Summer Series of the podcast, I have pre-recorded everything, pre programmed each episode, and I’m not promoting them across social media. I am not on social media that much and I already batch my time on social media, however I am going to enjoy this digital detox for a few weeks over Christmas. So with that in mind I couldn’t think of a better episode to start the Summer Series than this one. Hopefully it will encourage you to switch off a little too. In this conversation with Angela we speak about topics that are close to my heart - The importance of slowing down, how we spend our time, creating boundaries around technology use,