Trademark Titan Blog Podcasts: Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, Branding Laws

Podcast 2: How are International Trademark Rights Created? Ensuring a Smooth Global Brand Launch



This post appeared first on Trademark Titan™ Blog written by Roger Bora, U.S. trademark attorney and former USPTO Trademark Examining Attorney. How to Create U.S. and Global Trademark Rights  This episode summarizes the ways in which trademark rights are created internationally, which addresses the following: Many brand owners fail to recognize that the trademark rights they have created in the United States, and possibly elsewhere, do not extend automatically into other countries, which can result in […] Podcast 2: How are International Trademark Rights Created? Ensuring a Smooth Global Brand Launch. Related posts: Global Trademark Search and Registration Protection: Ensuring a Smooth Global Product Launch Podcast 1: Securing Chinese Trademark Registration and Chinese Trademark Rights; Battling Trademark Piracy Podcast 3: Why Improper Trademark Selection Can Kill a Brand