Wilde About Wellbeing

Who the HECK is Jessica? A bit about your host: depression, self-help and light at the end of the tunnel



In this episode, I give a short introduction to lil' ol' me! I know it's hard to engage with someone you don't know, and so I wanted to help you get to know me! My depression and dysthymia can be painful at times, and I talk a little about that, as well as what I see the future as holding for Wilde About Wellbeing.    There's a lot to tell about my past, but I also cover how I can help you to help yourself... kinda self-help by proxy, if you like! I am not perfect, and I want you to see that perfectionism is not a viable aim - we'll be covering that more in future episodes.    You also get to hear how squeeeeeee-level excited I am about my upcoming FREE course about morning routines, and what I've tried out on your behalf. I am your loyal and loving guinea pig!   This episode's quote was from Matsuo Basho: "Everyday is a journey, and the journey itself is home"   Honourable mentions for this episode: www.wildeaboutwellbeing.com to sign up for my email list, and be the FIRST to know when my FREE course on 'Mor