Saints Unscripted

What to Do If the Church ISN'T True (feat. Christopher Cunningham)



If you haven't been in a faith crisis, it's very likely that one day, you will. A faith crisis is where you come across facts or opinions that challenge your faith, bringing you to question your beliefs and doubt everything you once knew to be true.  Guess what? Going through a faith crisis is NORMAL. But it can be scary, frustrating, and confusing. How do you navigate the questions while also trying to hold fast to your testimony? Is it possible to have doubts yet still want to believe? YES.  In this episode, we brought Christopher Cunningham to help us determine how to approach doubts. Christopher is a Senior Religion Writer and his publications can be found all over the internet (links to specific places below). We ask, "What can we do when we come across negative (often called 'anti-Mormon') content about the Church?" Christopher has become very familiar with the concerns against the Church and through his study, he's been able to see the Church in the most positive possible light. He's also b