Grant And Hope

Remembering Paul Cain



REMEMBERINGPAUL CAINOn February 12 2019 Paul went to be with the Lord Jesus ChristRick Joyner says What could be more dishonoring to our fathers and mothers than forgetting them One of the basic ways we honor them is to remember them Therefore many of the keys to understanding the Lord His ways and His language are found in studying His dealings with our spiritual fathers and mothers Paul was born in Texas in 1929 While still in his mothers womb an angel appeared to his mother with a message from the Lord The fruit of your womb is a male child Name him Paul He will preach the gospel as the Apostle Paul of old and he will prophesy to Kings and PresidentsAll of this came to pass exactly as it was toldPaul prophesied to kings and presidents Hear some stories about Paul Cain as we remember and celebrate his life