Seller Jams

E06: Everything You Need to Know When Sourcing From China w/ Ashish Monga



The majority of Amazon sellers source and ship their products from China. And why not? It's a widespread and profitable business strategy. If you currently source any products from China (or want to start), then you need to hear from Ashish Monga.  For years, Ashish has worked with Chinese factories from various industries and gained on-the-ground insights into their working practices. Today, he's the founder of IMEX Sourcing Services, which helps Amazon sellers to connect with reliable Chinese manufacturers, arrange all the logistics, and get the best price using China-specific negotiation strategies.  In our latest podcast episode, we talk to Ashish about the best practices for sourcing in China, including: The checklist you should follow when shortlisting suppliers  How to develop the right specifications for your product Top mistakes to avoid when choosing your supplier