Courage Matters With Michael Anthony

#014: Reverse Intolerance in America



Michael Anthony as Interviewed By Jason Dowd (AME Radio) – August 10, 2018 Michael was recently interviewed by Jason Dowd of AME Radio. Listen in on the conversation as Mike talks about the inspiration behind Courage Matters, the intolerance on social media, and his calling for a 2nd American Revolution. Don’t forget to check out the book behind the movement, A Call For Courage. From AME Radio – Michael Anthony – Michael has been featured on top TV and radio shows across the United States. He’s the founder of Today we talk to him about a variety of topics that are hindering religious freedom here in the US and a lot more topics including Fake News. Michael Anthony is a husband, father, inspirational speaker, and author of A Call for Courage: Living With Power, Truth and Love In An Age of Intolerance and Fear (Thomas Nelson Publishers), and the Courageous Life™ Motivational Planner and Courageous Life™ Success Journal. He serves as the Senior Pastor of Genesis Church, in York