In The Word Audio Podcast

God’s delays and not always God’s denials, Part 3 (Episode 14a)



Title:  God’s delays and not always God’s denials, Part 3 (Episode 14a)   Description:  The Lord never promised believers freedom from sickness or suffering.   Show notes: It is certainly a normal thing for a Christian to ask God for deliverance from sickness and pain. However, please know always the following:   God has not obligated Himself to heal every believer whenever he prays; but He has encouraged us to bring our burdens and needs to Him. Paul did not know whether this “thorn in the flesh” was a temporary testing from God, or a permanent experience he would have to learn to live with.   There are those who want us to believe that an afflicted Christian is a disgrace to God. “If you are obeying the Lord and claiming all that you have in Christ,” they say, “then you will never be sick.” I have never found that teaching in the Bible. The Lord never promised believers freedom from sickness or suffering.   Paul did not receive “instant healing” and maybe not any physical he