Saints Unscripted

Mormon Missionaries & Dating Before Missions



3 Mormons (now known as Saints Unscripted) talk about Mormon Missionaries and dating before serving a Mormon Mission. The 3 Mormons are back in action as they give their thoughts and opinions on LDS Church missions and the importance of preparing for LDS missionary work. They then dive into the topic of Mormon dating and the importance it plays on LDS church missions and an individual’s life in general! What is an LDS mission? Ian believes that because Missions are a serious thing, the LDS Church needs stalwart men and women to go out and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because of the LDS mission age change (young men can serve when they are 18, and young women can serve when they are 19), he thinks that going to college before your mission helps you get out those immature kinks and helps you find out who you really are! Shelley says that because the For the Strength of Youth Pamphlet says that young men and women should only group date when they reach the age of 16, we should heed to that council and we s