Fresh Batch With Michelle Collins

“Missed Aggressions” (w/ Bobby Finger & Matt Rubano)



Snow be damned: Michelle is back! And chances are if you aren’t Megyn Kelly you will love this hot episode!! Because after about 5 seconds of polite conversation (and the downing of some large iced coffees) it is off to the god damn races! Michelle freely admits she loves tall German men AND Germany at Christmas time. BUT, famously, Michelle hates Nazis - and recounts a harrowing story of a night hiding in a house in Austria before getting screamed at and thrown out by an insane Nazi landlady. That being said, Michelle admits she CAN be an “Audience Nazi” at the movies - and has to escape the theater after a prickly encounter at a Black Panther screening. ALSO: Matt Rubano’s ex-flame is NOT a fan of Michelle and Megyn Kelly hand-wrote Bobby Finger a (threatening) invitation to her morning talkshow (this story is insane; PLZ check this shit out). Other topics include Feta Cheese, the Miracle Bathing Suit, and of course - a spirited debate on House Hunters vs. House Hunters International.