The Entrepreneurial You

Episode 100 – Celebrating A Milestone: A Replay With Seth Godin



  At the end of 2016 after completing 3 seasons of The Entrepreneurial You on Power 106 FM in Jamaica, from 2014-2016, I felt I needed more. And by more I mean I wanted to have a global impact. I wanted to serve not just people in Jamaica or even the Diaspora, but globally. For a long time this was my desire but whilst a little part of me knew it was possible - the how was another story.   So who would have thought?  In March 2017 I changed from The Entrepreneurial You being a radio show to a podcast. Today we are 100 episodes in. My, how time flies.   Truth be told, I've seen podcasters in groups that I have been in boast about and celebrate getting to this milestone. I thought, oh well, it's just another number. Oh boy, was I wrong! The feeling I have inside is hard to explain. Among other things, I feel joyful, accomplished and resilient.   Joyful because I have gotten the reviews from so many of you about the impact it has had on you and your life and that is enough to cause a gurl heart to tingle