Maine Education Matters With Matt & Matt

S1 Ep13: Public Hearings upcoming! Our first bill language we talk about!



This episode Matt and Matt get into the language of each of the first seven bills coming across the Education Committee We talk about our initial thoughts of each one of these whether we think they are good ideas some worries and concerns about them if we have them and the general timeline of what happens next Let us know what you think Follow us on Twitter at MaineEdMatters and on Facebook at Maine Education Matters with Matt and Matt Rate and review us and definitely subscribeOn January 30 at 9am the following bills are scheduled for public hearings LD 14 An Act To Improve Science and Engineering Education for Maines Students LD 97 Resolve Regarding Legislative Review of Portions of Chapter 38 Suicide Awareness and Prevention in Maine Public Schools a Major Substantive Rule fo the Department of Education LD 98 Resolve Regarding Legislative Review of Portions of Chapter 122 Grant Application and Award Procedure Fund for the Efficient Delivery of Educational Services a Major Substantive Rule of the Department