The Entrepreneurial You

001 – Master Discipline, Focus & Productivity John Lee Dumas



John Lee Dumas is the host of EOFire, an award-winning Podcast where today's most successful Entrepreneurs are interviewed 7-days a week. He is undisputedly the heavyweight champion in the ring of Podcasting, interviewing over 1400 Entrepreneurs. EOFire has over 1 million monthly listens. #PeakPerformers, @JohnLeeDumas shares his awesome journey on #TEY #Podcast today!Click To Tweet Show Notes: What is your favourite thing to do when you're not working? Lay by my pool and read a fiction novel What problem did you want to solve when you began your podcasting journey? I love listening to podcasts; being able to press play when I want to, have targeted On Demand free contents being piped through my ear-buds at any time of the day was just awesome for me. A lightbulb went off for me and I said well I wanted to have a daily show that goes out and interview successful entrepreneurs and tell their stories that I can learn from them. I wanted to find a daily show and that did not exist.   I said wow tha