The Entrepreneurial You

003 – Get CLARITY, seek ACCOUNTABILITY and analyze the RESULTS, with Dr Will Mooreland



Dr. Mooreland is a best-Selling Author of the book Genius-Potential & Founder of Will Moreland International. He is America’s #1 Leadership Life Trainer who has been featured on ABC, NBC, Fox, CBS, Forbes magazine to name a few. Best-selling author & world re-known motivational speaker Les Brown says “he is the absolute personification of greatness”. #PeakPerformers @DrWillSpeaks shares his awesome journey on #TEY #Podcast w/Heneka Watkis-Porter today! Click To Tweet Show  Notes: What’s your story? I'm originally from Compton, California; it was known as a pretty bad place. Back in the 80s when I grew up there it was known as the worst city in America. They literally called it a war zone. We were surrounded by gangs, drug dealers, etc. I was raised by a single mother. I met my father when I was 7 years old and he was serving time in a California State penitentiary. He got there because he was one of California's biggest drug dealers at the time. Fortunately, your start doesn't have to determine your fin