The Entrepreneurial You

010 – Using the Digital ‘Sticky Notes’, Trello, to Organize Your Daily Activities, with Michael Pryor



Michael Pryor is the co-founder of Trello, the collaboration tool used by millions to organize and prioritize projects using boards, lists, and cards. He's also the co-founder of Fog Creek Software for Project Management; he currently lives in Brooklyn with his wife and two daughters. #PeakPerformers, Michael shares about @Trello on #TheEntrepYou today! Click To Tweet Show  Notes: If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you want to have with you? Snorkel fins as I'm not such a great swimmer, a dog to keep me company and a guitar which would take me a long time to learn. What is the Unique Selling Proposition of Trello? Persons were using sticky notes on their walls. Historically we had built a lot of tools for a much more structured project management and we were thinking about how easy it was for people to use these sticky notes. It helps them organize their thoughts. There is something about being able to see it in front of your face. We tried to map that. It's not like a digit