The Entrepreneurial You

011 – A Conversation on Leveraging Intellectual Property as a Business Growth Strategy, with Professor James Gerard Conley



Professor James Conley serves on the faculty of both the Kellogg School of Management and the McCormick School of Engineering at Northwestern University. He is a faculty contributor in the Kellogg Center for Research in Technology & Innovation and serves as a Faculty Fellow at the Segal Design Institute (NU IDEA). He is also serving as a Visiting Professor in the chair of technology and innovation management at the WHU in Germany. Beyond Northwestern, he served as an appointed member on the United States Department of Commerce Trademark Public Advisory Committee to the Patent and Trademark Office and is a Charter Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors. In 2017, he became a member of the editorial board at the California Management Review. #PeakPerformers, Professor Conley shares the benefits of IP for the entrepreneur #TheEntrepYou today! Click To Tweet   Show Notes If given a chance, which person would you like to be for a day? Or who would you like to exchange roles with?I would like to be Mark Z