The Entrepreneurial You

012 – How to Make Money Online, Engage with Your Audience and Build Your List, with Andrew McCauley



Andrew McCauley is ranked #17 ‘Most Influential Social Media Marketer“ by BuzzSumo in Nov, 2016; he is one of the top 100 Most Influential Twitter Users by Forbes, He is an Amazon best Selling Author and consults all types of Businesses on their Social Media and Online Strategy.  His customized strategies have continually seen between 300-500% growth in traffic to business websites.  He is also the Co trainer and founder of the Digital Traffic Institute and AutoPilot Your Business, helping businesses make money from their websites. Peak Performers, Andrew shares how to make money online on #TheEntrepYou today! Click To Tweet Show  Notes: What is your hidden talent? I used to be able to put a bunch of coins on my elbow and flip them off and catch them. In fact, I think I have the Australian record for it at one stage (unofficially). How do we make money online? There are a lot of ways to do that. The first thing you want to have something that is valuable that people want. The next part is getting people