The Entrepreneurial You

015 – A Look into Creating Copy that Converts to Grow Your Business & Connect with Your Clients, with Lisa Rothstein



Lisa Rothstein has extensively worked as a copywriter and in advertising on two continents. This has been invaluable in pitching her scripts to Hollywood and as a freelance copywriter & marketing consultant in the US and other parts of the world. She helps clients hone their strategy and their brand messages. She is currently co-authoring a book called DaVinchi Dilemma, addressing the challenge of distraction caused by having too many talents and ideas. #PeakPerformers, Lisa shares her story-telling technique on #TheEntrepYou today! Click To Tweet Show  Notes: If you are at a friend or relative’s house for dinner and you find a dead insect in your salad, what would you do? I think that I would make it go away or disappear into my napkin and pretend nothing had happened. Depending on the relative or friend I might pick the insect out of my salad and pretend to make it talk and say, "I'm really glad you've invited me to dinner, I hope I didn't eat too much." I like to be creative with what I find. What is