The Entrepreneurial You

018 – How to Get and Stay Motivated, be Intentional, Train Your Mind for Success and WIN, with Nicole McLaren-Campbell



Nicole McLaren-Campbell is an Educator, Motivational Speaker, Author and Entrepreneur. She operates AIM Educational Services, providing college and graduate school placement services, SAT / ACT / SSAT and GRE prep, and tutoring in high school English, Math and Science. #PeakPerformers, Nicole shares her inspirational journey on #TheEntrepYou today! Click To Tweet Show  Notes: Fun question…would you rather be able to see the future or change the past? I guess maybe more I'd want to change the past because I have that compulsion but on the other hand I feel like even my failures and missteps have been very useful. I guess I would change the past because some things were just dumb. I would go back and fix the dumb stuff although you can find a lesson in everything. I wouldn't go back to make it perfect though because there are some things that the struggles were worth in the end. Give us a little into your background and how you developed this fire in your belly? Some of it feels like my purpose in life, b