The Entrepreneurial You

021 – The Secret to Staying Authentic, Sharing Your Story and Leading in the Sales Conversation From a Place of Vision, with Benjamin Tyler



Benjamin Tyler is the founder of Client Enrollment Academy and host of Sales for Coaches and Consultants podcast. As a speaker and coach, he shows coaches, consultants and service based businesses how to attract high quality leads and enroll them into their services to help them build successful businesses around their gifts and talents. #PeakPerformers, Benjamin shares his awesome journey on #TheEntrepYou today! Click To Tweet Show  Notes: If there’s an exception to every rule, is there an exception to that rule? I have no clue, you've already stomped me. Tell us about your upbringing? A defining moment in my life, I was 12 years old and I sat my mother down and just bawling and pleading for her to show me some sort of affection. She was obsessed with making my sister the Prom Queen by giving my sister the life that she never had and she didn't have a lot of time to pay attention to me and when she didn’t do that after I asked for love and affection, I told myself I would never be hurt again. That led me