The Entrepreneurial You

026 – Everything You Need to Know About The Law of Attraction, with Kelli Cooper



Kelli Cooper is a coach who specializes in the law of attraction. She believes there are many misconceptions about this teaching that stunt people's natural manifesting abilities, and she hopes her teachings can clear them up, as well as bridge the gap between the theory and reality of manifesting. The best business partner? Kelli talks the Law of Attraction on #TheEntrepYou today! @kcooper1102 Click To Tweet Show  Notes: Here's a fun question for you…If you could Only have one favorite food to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be? The thing that comes to mind is something like broccoli and cheese rice.  It is super cheap, super-processed. I like it, it was the first thing that comes to mind. A lot persons have limiting beliefs about can you overcome your limiting beliefs? There are a couple of things I would say that is a part of the manifesting process that we can really over-complicate and get tripped up on. They say they try to change their belief and they just can't. It t