The Entrepreneurial You

027 – Dealing With the Voices Within, Knowing When to Pivot and Creating the Invisible Organization, with Mitch Russo



Mitch Russo Co-founded Timeslips Corp in 1985, which grew to become the largest time tracking Software Company in the world. In 1994, Timeslips Corp was sold to Sage, plc. While at Sage, he went on to run all of Sage U.S. as Chief Operating Officer, a division with 300 people with a market cap in excess of $100M. He was nominated for Inc. Magazine’s “Entrepreneur of the Year” on two separate occasions, 1989 and 1991 and Won “Best Entrepreneur” in 1989, from a pool of 4,000 other nominees by The National Association of Legal Vendors. TODAY he helps his clients build recurring revenue streams by using “certification. #PeakPerformers, Mitch talks pivoting on #TheEntrepYou today! Click To Tweet Show  Notes: Here's a fun question for you…If you could go back in time with whom would you like to spend a day with? Steve Jobs. That's my favourite person in the world. Elon Musk is one too but Steve Jobs, I think he did the impossible, I think he did it as a person who came into this world with both gifts and defici