The Entrepreneurial You

029 – The Power of Starting Small to Live Big and Achieve the Things YOU Want in Life, with Betsy Pake



Betsy Pake is an award-winning business achiever, competitive weight lifter and life strategist who hosts the popular podcast The Art of Living Big. She's the author of the best-selling book, Become A Nutrition Ninja and just released Start Small Live Big. Her mission is to help inspire others to thrive through change by Starting Small. She loves a good tailgate, the smell of the ocean and relaxing with a good book! #PeakPerformers, Betsy shares her story on #TheEntrepYou today! @betsypakeClick To Tweet Show  Notes: Betsy and I started things off on the lighter side. I asked her, if you could visit any planet, which one would you choose and why? She retorted, “I have a travel bug. I would visit planet Earth in many more ways than I already have.” Here are some of the things we discussed: What's the one thing preventing people from living their goal? How can we be clear about our vision? How did you discover the philosophy of start small live big that you now live by? What is the CHASE framework