The Entrepreneurial You

031 – Escape From Anxiety, Stress and Fight or Flight Mode, To Supercharge Your Life, with Peggy Sealfon



Peggy Sealfon has a PhD in reinventing herself and is a serial entrepreneur. Over the last 15 years, her focus has been devoted to the field of Health and Wellness. Today she is a successful Personal Development Coach, Motivational Speaker and is an internationally-known expert on helping clients overcome chronic stress, fear and anxiety. She is co-author of The Change: Insights Into Self-Empowerment, one of the fastest-growing personal development book series in the world with Tony Robbins’ former mentor Jim Britt and others. She has a best-selling book, Escape From Anxiety—Supercharge Your Life With Powerful Strategies From A to Z. She’s just published Embodying the Power of the Zero Stress Zone, a compilation of the teachings of world-renowned spiritual master Yogi Amrit Desai. #PeakPerformers, Peggy talks escaping anxiety on @TheEntrepYou today! Click To Tweet Show  Notes: To break the ice, I asked Peggy…If you could go back in time with whom would you like to spend a day with?  She responded, “I w