The Entrepreneurial You

Episode 051 – Grateful People are Happier, Healthier and Nicer to be Around. Learn Gratitude Strategies for Employee Engagement with, Lisa Ryan



Lisa is an award-winning speaker who draws upon her 20-plus years of sales, marketing, and training experience to deliver business- and career-changing strategies and inspiration to her audiences. She is the best-selling author of eight books and a featured expert in two films, The Keeper of the Keys, with Jack Canfield of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” fame, and The Gratitude Experiment. She's been featured on Wall Street Select, NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox and more... Show  Notes: To break the ice, I asked Lisa “Would you rather be the most popular or the smartest person you know?” Her response, “Oh man, I’d rather be the most popular.” Of course, a little vanity never hurts. We went on to talking about some of the ways we can improve employee engagement by expressing gratitude. Some questions I asked Lisa throughout the interview are: What is the concept of ‘Grategy’? What role does gratitude play in our success? Why was there the need to start Grategy? What is the importance of having gratitude? What a