The Entrepreneurial You

Episode 064 – Examining The Geo-Spatial Eco-System, with Valrie Grant



Valrie Grant is the founder and Managing Director of GeoTechVision and Executive Chairman of Marlie Technology Park Ltd. As an Entrepreneur, she has received several recognitions and awards including most recently, The Leader Worth Following Award from Leadercast Kingston, 2018 in association with Jamaica Chamber of Commerce. Show  Notes: In this current age, geospatial technology comprises a broad range of tools including map making, Geographical Information Systems software for data analysis, remote sensing imagery Global Position Systems, and Internet mapping applications such as Google Earth and satellites for precise location and positioning. Operating in a male dominated space within the sphere of geospatial technology, Founder and Managing Director of GeoTechVision, Valrie Grant, is a shining example for entrepreneurs within the region particularly, women entrepreneurs. As she blazes the trail in the area of what we can dub the 4th industrial revolution, the first woman in the region to operate wi