The Entrepreneurial You

Episode 098 – Creating that Uber-Amazing Pitch Deck to Secure Investment for Your Startup, with Erik Vos



Erik Vos is a Pitch Deck Coach, 13x serial entrepreneur, author of 6 books translated in 21 languages and Speaker (8 languages in 91 countries). Show  Notes: So you have a great business idea that will change the world. But there is one major problem; you are unable to finance it. You’ve been told that there are investors who will be interested in backing your business but you first need a pitch deck. In this episode of The Entrepreneurial You, Pitch Deck Coach Erik provides great insight into what investors are looking for in order to support your idea with money and even their time. Here are a few things to note for your success: -Make your presentation short, sweet and to the point -Answer the investor thinking of whether they will make money -Answer the question of what problem is being solved. -Delegate TOP TIP: Give your pitch deck for others to review and listen to the feedback. ---- Connect with Erik Vos: LinkedIn Claim your 10 1 hour Pitch Deck Review Session Book your spot for Lead