The Entrepreneur Unleashed With Patti Keating

Ep #10: The “AND” Paradigm with Brian Greco



Brian Greco is an inspiring young entrepreneur on the road to greatness. In this episode you will find out how Brian has reached the level of success he is at this early in the game. While still attending high school, he is a web designer for solo-preneurs and a bonafide branding expert. He started his first blog when he was thirteen years old. Following in the footsteps of his mentors, Brian has dedicated himself to helping other entrepreneurs achieve their dreams. His soon-to-be-released program “The AND Paradigm” is aimed to help entrepreneurs to change their mindset of lack to one of prosperity. If you desire to free yourself from the destructive beliefs that may be holding you back, you will not want to miss this episode. Take Away's: Why it is positively crucial to go into business for the right reasons. Discover the perfect entrepreneurial mindset that will make you more successful. What realizations you need to make to get rid of your limiting beliefs. While learning to be important, remember to take