The Entrepreneur Unleashed With Patti Keating

Ep #11: Prepare to Ignite with Kate Erickson



  Inspiration: Kate Erickson is the "second half" of a top-ranked daily business podcast that interviews successful entrepreneurs. In today’s episode, you’ll discover how Kate transitioned from the world of corporate advertising into being the right-hand-woman of John Lee Dumas, founder of Entrepreneur on Fire. Challenge:  As the content creator, Kate consistently delivers actionable advice and inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs. She also leads the amazing Fire Nation community, including the Fire Nation Elite mastermind group.  Passion: Kate strongly believes that the key to success in any business lies in closely listening to your customers and giving them what they want. Don’t miss this enlightening discussion full of golden nuggets that will help you grow as an entrepreneur. Advice: The obstacles that Kate had to overcome on her path to being a successful businesswoman. The importance of delegating tasks within your business in order to focus on your most effective work. How believing in yourself and t