The Entrepreneur Unleashed With Patti Keating

ep#27 A Global Family Tree with A.J. Jacobs



Inspiration: Taking on HUGE projects, diving in and experiencing the growth through being experimental and taking action that leads to learning. Challenge: Breaking down BIG topics and projects was a challenge and AJ overcame this by connecting with the end result he desired. He practiced "acting your way into a new way of thinking, rather than thinking your way in to a new way of acting. Passion: AJ's latest project is to create the biggest family tree in history. A tree of the ENTIRE world, already with 78 million people. AJ will show that everyone is connected, because we are all one big family! And he's hosting the biggest family reunion in history. Learn more at: or email AJ at Advice: "When I get up to bat I think, where will my home run go?"      from AJ's Interview with George Cloney Entrepreneurs Resource: The Odysseus Strategy using programs like Freedom and putting junk food and his iphone in the other room! Blogs, Books & Podcasts: Nudge by Richar