The Entrepreneur Unleashed With Patti Keating

#32 Kelly Fidel



Kelly Fidel, CEO of No Glass Ceiling™, has developed the “winning formula”; taking her own insider secrets and strategies used in the boardroom to create a “level playing field” for entrepreneurs to profit wildly. Kelly candidly shares what works, what doesn’t and how to harness lucrative NEW Profit Channels. The End Goal? PLAY A BIGGER GAME & PROFIT WILDLY! "Every woman deserves to live her own life without a permission slip." - Kelly Fidel Inspiration: Kelly had a great career and worked in fortune 100 boardrooms, but was often seeing people struggling for no reason. It always stuck with her that there was really no reason for that to happen. She later built and sold a few companies and realized that this could really make money and started out on her own. Challenge: About 20 years ago is when Kelly really had the idea for No Glass Ceiling. Her mother really pushed her to go for it and start things. Life was happening and one day she reached for her cell phone and collided with a tree at 50 miles per ho