The Entrepreneur Unleashed With Patti Keating

Andrea Waltz



Andrea Waltz is the co-author of the best-selling book, Go for No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There. Along with her partner Richard Fenton, they teach business owners, salespeople, and entrepreneurs how to overcome fears of failure, rejection, and how to "LOVE" the word No! It's a bit counter-intuitive and it works. People feel excited to build their business when NO is no longer an obstacle. Inspiration: She and her husband were mostly inspired by their respective day jobs back in the late nineties. Thye were discouraged from going outside their boxes and wanted to expand and started by writing their first book. Unlocking the Secrets of Retail Magic. They did so well a few years after that they wrote Go for No. Doing this was the biggest way to expand their experience and grow. Challenge: Andrea found that the obstacles that she created for herself were just as bad as the things that you cant control. Things outside of your control are the subtle challenges but the challenges that she experien