The Entrepreneur Unleashed With Patti Keating

Ep 47: Ronnie Noize



Veronika (Ronnie) Noize, known professionally as The Marketing Coach, is the author of three books: How to Create a Killer Elevator Speech, The 30-Minute Networking Secret Toolkit, and Marketing Strategies that Really Work, from Insight publications. ?She has been ranked as the #1 marketing coach world-wide by Google since 2006 and is rated in the top 4% of social media influencers in the English language by Klout. Inspiration: Ronnie found her inspiration for doing what she does now when she was let go of her job in the corporate world due to her “views and opinions” but found the world of entrepreneurship accepted her abilities and strengths as assets to grow a business. Challenge: She found that the lack of mentoring (especially female mentors) and dis-information about business was a major struggle or challenge for her going into business for herself. Overcoming Challenge: Ronnie forced herself to network to build her connections for her business. To her, it wasn’t how much she knows, but who she knows an