New Books In Language

Steven Alvarez, “Brokering Tareas: Mexican Immigrant Families Translanguaging Homework Literacies” (SUNY Press, 2018)



In this episode, I speak with Steven Alvarez about his book, Brokering Tareas: Mexican Immigrant Families Translanguaging Homework Literacies (SUNY Press, 2017). This book highlights a grassroots literacy mentorship program that connects emerging bilingual and trilingual K-12 students with college students from similar backgrounds. We discuss how New York immigration has changed over the past quarter century, the attributes of effective mentors and support programs, and alternatives to the deficit theory in education. He recommends the following books for listeners interested in his work and our conversation: • Writing on the Move: Migrant Women and the Value of Literacy by Rebecca Lorimer Leonard • Del Otro Lado: Literacy and Migration Across the U.S.-Mexico Border by Susan V. Myers • Decolonizing Literacy: Mexican Lives in the Era of Global Capitalism by Gregorio Hernandez-Zamora Alvarez joins New Books in Education for the interview. To share your thoughts on the podcast, you can connect with him on T