Key5 Speaker Podcast

116: Wendy Gates Corbett | Presentation Consultant



Wendy Gates Corbett is a Presentation Consultant who fixes boring presentations and presenters by providing presentation design and delivery consulting. She speaks nationally on the power of visuals and presenting powerfully with presence. Learning from Mistakes Make sure you're in sync with the theme, vibe or tone of the event at which you're going to speak. Wendy shares her story of learning from her experiences - listen to the podcast for the details. Robert is sure there are many speakers who have a similar experience to share - what about you? Your Visuals and Slides Wendy Gates Corbett provides a great number of valuable ideas for all speakers on preparing their visuals and slides. Be sure to listen to the podcast to hear all Wendy's suggestions. You're going to hear ideas you've never considered. Preparation Precision It's an ever-evolving process to prepare, Wendy says. One of the main ideas in her preparation process is to focus on having one main idea that's practical for everyone in the audience.