Key5 Speaker Podcast

304: How do you use technology as a speaker? with Evan Caroll



In this 4th KEY5Podcast in the 3rd season, Sarah Jo Crawford and Robert Ferguson discuss: Will your presentation slides look good on the day you speak?  the best aspect ratio for the slides, fonts that will cause issues and why, animations - what not to use and why, video files - how to be sure you have the video in your slides, best practices for sound and speakers if you have video/audio. Other technology: live polling during the presentation (with suggestions), set up a single slide that will encourage connection via social media, scheduling auto tweets ahead of the presentation to show up to retweet, your "clicker" for slides - not all clickers are made equal, how to use your clicker to make your screen go light or dark, laser pointer or not? Are they outdated? microphones - what can go wrong - how to test and practice, recording your own audio for later use, and add in "redundancy" backups - what are they? At the end of all this discussion, Sarah Jo and Robert feel you need to be able to present with