Pure Dog Talk

233 – AKC’s Team Scores on Detection Dog Legislation | Pure Dog Talk



AKC’s Detection Dog Legislation Promotes Purpose Bred Dogs AKC Vice President Government Relations, Sheila Goffe and her Siberian Husky Sheila Goffe, AKC Vice President Government Relations, joins me for a conversation about legislation and the old adage about law making and sausage making. TSA came to AKC to address shortage of detection dogs in the USA several years ago. Dr. Carmen Battaglia led the development of the Detection Dog Task Force. The first legislation AKCGR worked on in this area was passed last year and required the government to provide a report on comparative expenses of acquiring dogs from overseas for this critical work. (Check out my interview with Mark Dunn from last year on that topic!) Meanwhile, AKCGR and the Detection Dog Task Force have not rested on their laurels. Goffe has worked for years to establish relationships with legislators and create an “honest broker” reputation that came to fruition again this fall. Passing new legislation Congressman Mike Rogers (R-AL) sponsored t