Pure Dog Talk

235 – Finding Common Ground to Grow the Purebred Dog Fancy | Pure Dog Talk



Common Ground Brings Everyone to the Table Debra Hamilton helps clients work through high stakes, high intensity situations through the use of mediation. Attorney Debra Hamilton finds common ground in the most challenging situations. Whether in interpersonal, transactional, public or even adversarial relationships, the solution, Hamilton suggests, is simple. Just listen! Can’t we all just get along? “We are so passionate as a sport that we sometimes can’t find common ground on which to speak with people who disagree with us,” Hamilton said. “How do we carry on a conversation that helps the greyhounds, for example?” Stop, drop and roll Hamilton has an excellent and easy to remember format for working through difficult conversations. *Stop* talking and listen. Keep yourself grounded. Breathe a lot. No name calling. Pause before talking or typing. *Drop* the need to be right. You are right, this is how you feel. Nobody can tell you you’re wrong. You’re just listening to someone else talking about what they