Glass Half Full With Leslie Krongold, Ed.d.

Caregiving and Stroke: Two Topics Merge



November is the time to recognize Family Caregivers. One man's caregiving story leads to a conversation about strokes - one  of the most debilitating medical conditions - and stroke recovery. Erica Pitsch, PT, MPT, DPT, NCS, of University of California, San Francisco, explains what happens during a stroke and what may be involved with stroke recovery and rehabilitation. Caregiver Resources include an earlier podcast episode with three family caregivers. You may also want to check out these national organizations: National Alliance for Caregiving and Caregiver Action Network. Be extra kind to your family caregivers this month. Dr. Pitsch works with stroke patients at this San Francisco location. To hear advice about balance and falling, listen to this earlier podcast episode. Check out the Balance Rap Song on the Glass Half Full YouTube channel.