Shift The Story Podcast

What Reality Do You Live In Really - Two - STS71 - Shift The Story Podcast



As I listened to this podcast to prepare it for its re-release, I was caught up again in the simplicity of consciously choosing the reality we want to experience. Of course, it means we have to know ourselves well enough to make that shift, but we always have the right, and ability to do so. The why of its importance is sometimes so obvious we forget, and that’s what I think this series does - reminds us of the reasons, and the outcome. Once again, Del and I cover a multitude of subjects, including hypnotism, struggle, states of perception, and what happens when we shift. What changes? It’s a subtle but important answer. Since we do get to choose the reality we perceive, let’s bring ourselves to the point of view of the best reality we can imagine. In this way, we might touch the edge of big R Reality, and experience some of the infinite of its care for all of its expressions, unlimited and consistent care.