In Deep With Angie Coiro: Interviews

Megan Devine: It’s Ok That You’re Not OK



Show #200 | Guest: Megan Devine | Show Summary: This discussion with grief expert Megan Devine is just a revelation. She has both a professional and deeply personal take on the topic. She was a counseling therapist, and some of her clients were dealing with grief. She worked with them as she was taught in her formal education. Then she was hit with her own earthshaking loss. Her healthy, athletic partner was swept away by a flooded river and drowned. Megan was dropped into a world where nothing she’d learned about coping and recovery had any bearing at all.     Her book It’s Okay That You’re Not Okay taps not just her own life but the experiences and lessons shared by her clients and website visitors. Don’t expect a somber hour, though. Megan’s got a contagious sense of humor, a key element to her life as it continues to evolve.