Worldbuilder's Anvil

Episode 51: Interview With J.S. Morin



Interview: J.S. Morin JS Morin by night dreams elaborate dreams of visiting fanciful worlds, performing acts of heroism, and solving intriguing puzzles, which inspire him to craft stories. Jeff also possesses one of the most intriguing and dangerous blogs for worldbuilders and fantasy lovers on the internet. Amongst his works, He has written the Twinborn Trilogy, The Mad Tinker Chronicles, and the Black Ocean Mission's. The He latest book is Black Ocean Mission 3: Poets and Piracy. Introduction Do you feel Orc or Elf today? Tell us about your latest work. How do you connect your worldbuilding back to The Story? When did you know you had a love for worldbuilding? Biggest achievement to date? What real world advice do you wish you had known sooner? Tell a quick STORY about some task that could have gotten you started sooner as a writer Gauntlet round What held you back from sharing your world(s)? Favorite types of fantasy worlds: alien, earthlike, or earth-based? What is your favorite time period for fant