Office Talk With Annette Stepanian

Ep. 047: How to Monetize Your Content with Bruno Bornsztein of Curbly



If you’re a blogger, or content creator in the online space, at some point you’ve probably thought about how to monetize your content. You might be thinking of getting sponsors or finding advertisers to get those Benjamins rolling in while while you focus on creating epic blog posts and content. Or maybe you’ve wondered: “Should I focus on building a large following?” “Or forget the numbers and make reader engagement my number one priority?” “When is the right time to approach a sponsor?” In this episode, my guest is going to help us answer some of these questions!   Bruno Bornsztein is the founder of Curbly, a website he created to explore the creative side of home decor and foster a community of people who love where they live. Bruno started Curbly back in 2006, so he’s seen it all when it comes to online trends and specifically, where the world of sponsorship is headed.  To learn more and get the show notes, visit: