Irrational Passions Podcast

Episode 16: Prime's Bustin' In



Episode 16! Guest host: Primebuster from Downtoforit X!Unfortunately, about halfway through the show, some serious static broke in, and it takes its sweet time going away. It begins during AcesHigh's review of Halo Reach and stops around 02:14:35We are so sorry the static came in! Just skip ahead if you do not want to deal with it, but I have to say, everything in between is absolute gold! News:Plenty of cancellations and shut-downs going on this week.Prime will tell you too, press the touch screen to hadoken!What We've Been Playing:Alan Wake, Super Meat Boy, Medal of Honor, Street Fighter and Earthworm Jim HD!How much more could you want?!BreakTimeDiscussion!We all sit down and reflect on all the fun we had during extralife. With so many games played and so many memories made, we can't wait 'til next year!Shoutout to all who tuned in and donated! YOU ARE AWESOME!Review Time!As Alex thanks Team Meat for their review code and splooges over Super Meat Boy, AcesHigh breaks it down with Halo Reach!Check out both