Irrational Passions Podcast

Episode 26: 2011 Without Pants



  2011 Without Pants! Yes. We're back in the new year! This time, we have so much to say, we decide to let our guests say it for us! We broadcast live on and let our wonderful listeners call in and tell us how they think the year of 2011 will play out! The Rundown: Alex kicks it off by asking if you want to contribute to the website, email him at! We have the shortest first segment known to man! We make up for the first point with an incredibly long second segment! We take a bunch of calls! Shoutouts to: Mike O'Hara, Plankfan, and Poop & Flames! Listen to our crazy predictions and tell us how wrong we shall be! Next time, our talkabout topic is Trends in Gaming! Tell us which ones you hate, and which ones you love! Also, we have special guest Dan Amrich coming on the show, so lay on some questions for him if you'd like! With that interesting cavalcade of summary, now its time to tell YOU how you can contact us! Send us emails at Alex/Evan/Scott/ or