Irrational Passions Podcast

IrrationalPod39: Balls-to-Chin Action



Episode 39 is a very tangential party with our InDis friend Geoff Chorney, so check Episode 39: Balls to Chin Action! Here is the rundown: Geoff from Interactive Distractions joins us for this fun time! Scott starts off hosting this week, because Alex isn't feeling too hot, but Alex takes back the reins toward the end of part 1 This week in games, we have Crysis 2, the 3DS, and Dynasty Warriors 7. We have so much news. Tangential news. We get off topic a lot, but hey, it happens! News headlines include: Battlefield vs. Call of Duty, Minecraft gets a release date, and free games! Its time for some Free For All Versus, and Geoff is ready to kick some ass! Time to survive a zombie outbreak... In Canada.  Evan tells you What you Wanna Want, we pick, crap, and Joe throw's it out! Check out our website at: Send us emails at Alex/Evan/Scott/ or general mail to Follow us @ALFighter27, @Stickerglue, or @Aceshigh291 and please