Irrational Passions Podcast

IrrationalPod65: This One's for the Kids



This one's for the kids guys. Guys, we are all gathered here, Alex E, Alex O, Tony, Scott, Evan and others are here to play games for the kids. We just talk about what we are planning on playing and Alex tells you why its so special to him. Three things you should know: We will be taking Skype calls the entire stream! Add IrrationalPassions on Skype! You can help us by donating at:, and watch our stream at Remember: This isn't for you, this isn't for us, its for the kids. Now here is some general contact us information, and our Extra Life information page: EXTRALIFE PAGE Check out our website, Send us emails at Alex/Evan/Scott/Joseph/ or general mail to our mail sack: Follow us @ALFighter27 (Alex), @stickerglue (Evan), @aceshigh291 (Joseph) and @TonyHorvath (Tony) and please follow the show @IrrationalPod. Please check out our new Youtube c