Pure Dog Talk

217 – Crate Training, Jumping Up, Digging and Behavior Analysis | Pure Dog Talk



Behavior analysis and positive reinforcement create success Animal behaviorist Lara Joseph shares her expert knowledge on understanding our dog’s behavior, how to read signals from the dog and use behavior analysis to shape a new future. Joseph knows for a fact that positive reinforcement training works. She uses it extensively with zoo animals and exotics, as well as companion dogs. Lara Joseph using a "target stick" to shape behavior in a giraffe. “You can’t use force or aversives on exotics,” Joseph said. “You know you can make your dog sit by pushing its butt down... try doing that with a giraffe!” Joseph discusses redirecting behaviors by correctly identifying the reinforcers. In other words, what, exactly, does the dog want and how is the behavior he is exhibiting fulfilling that desire. The “Terrible twos” are a tremendous opportunity to train a dog, Joseph said. The dog is at an age where it is constantly manipulating its environment to get the consequences it desires. “The animal is learning con