WebPreach Ministries

Whistling Past the Graveyard



The Lord-s Word is for His people. It has been preserved for them.--It is for instruction, discretion, wisdom, and reproof. ----The foundations have been destroyed in the hearts of many believers because the enemy has come and stolen away the truth and has left a seed of corruption that has produced spiritual death.----It-s not that they have stopped believing in God. It-s not that they stopped attending church. It-s not that they have stopped reading the Word. ----It is because they have become spiritually blind and have followed all the religious rule-s that lead many to believe that they have some great standing with the Lord. ----They have become pure in their own eyes because the works of their flesh but their eye-s and ears have become closed to the truth.----The so-called Church of Jesus Christ is whistling past the graveyard. They are pretending that everything is alright when it-s not-