Pure Dog Talk

204 — Vet Voice: Identifying, Treating Orthopedic Disorders | Pure Dog Talk



Identifying and Treating Orthopedic Disorders Dr. Marty Greer, DVM walked us through the bewildering world of 10 syllable words and scary prognostics when it comes to the various orthopedic disorders than can affect our puppies. OCD, HOD, pano, Legg-Perthes, premature ulnar growth plate closure, HD, patellar luxation, and more are all covered, along with potential infectious diseases that can cause lameness in young dogs. Greer goes through the differences in the diseases, symptoms and treatments for all of them. Primarily disorders of large, fast growing male dogs, a few affect small breed and achondroplastic dogs. Pano Panosteitis or Pano is a disorder in which pain is exhibited in shifting limbs. “You’ll feel the legs and dogs exhibit pain where leg bones join,” Greer said. Pano won’t always show up on xray and it can be difficult to localize the pain. Cause – rapid growing puppy Treatment -- non steroidal anti-inflamatory such as Meloxicam. https://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/musculoskeletal/c_multi_p